August 2020, Futuristic Media: A Temporal Reflection and Eternal Platform Capitalism, Journal of Environmental Media, Intellect Books, Bristol, U.K.
December 2020, Sound as Community: How Far Are We from Terrene, FOCUS, U.K.
May 2021, Chinese Digital Humanities and Online Urbanisation, Domus China, 2021
November 2021, Independent Music in the Post-socialist Digital Platform, Netizen 21: Beyond Personal Account, China Academy of Art Press, Hangzhou, P.R.C.
Reasearcher and art curator, graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London, currently working in art and fashion industry. Her current research concerns global urban media cultures and collaborative mechanism, sustainable fashion and future design, and social strategies, where she has contributed to design and fashion magazine Domus, IDEAT, Focus on Sound, and other academic publications and corporate reports. She was film journalist assisting European Film Festival and other film festivals and media in 2016-2018. Since 2020, She has curated both academic and fashion exhibitions. Her main research projects include academic exhibition “Qiwu: Natural Footprints in Technological Vicissitude” (OCAT, Beijing, 2020) and “Southern Cyber Phantom: Localized Cyber Projects and Technological Future in The Global South (CVSZ, 2021)”, where she was awarded by OCT contemporary art terminal supported by Chinese central real-estate enterprise and organized South-North academic talks featuring scholars and specialists in multi-domains to share global future imagination and digital cultures. She has joined the research team of Complex-X(2021-Ongoing) for interdisciplinary art-science projects funded by Pro Helvetia, working with artists, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs to discuss collaborative mechanism, trans-local practices, and sustainable innovations. Meanwhile, her audio-visual works (photography, essay film, experimental music) was awarded by PINUP, Harvard University Graduate School Design (2020) and featured in London AND Festival (2021).
Ongoing Research Projects
Researcher, Interdisciplinary Research and Practice: Science, Art, Industry,
Interdisciplinary Insititute Comple-X