XUFEI CAO aka. Cherphile Ciao
Cherphile(Xuefei Cao) is a researcher and art curator, graduated from Goldsmiths, University of London, currently working in art and fashion industry. Her current research concerns global urban media cultures and collaborative mechanism, sustainable fashion and future design, and social strategies, where she has contributed to design and fashion magazine Domus, IDEAT, Focus on Sound, and other academic publications and corporate reports. She was film journalist assisting European Film Festival and other film festivals and media in 2016-2018. Since 2020, She has curated both academic and fashion exhibitions. Her main research projects include academic exhibition “Qiwu: Natural Footprints in Technological Vicissitude” (OCAT, Beijing, 2020) and “Southern Cyber Phantom: Localized Cyber Projects and Technological Future in The Global South (CVSZ, 2021)”, where she was awarded by OCT contemporary art terminal supported by Chinese central real-estate enterprise and organized South-North academic talks featuring scholars and specialists in multi-domains to share global future imagination and digital cultures. She has joined the research team of Complex-X(2021-Ongoing) for interdisciplinary art-science projects funded by Pro Helvetia, working with artists, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs to discuss collaborative mechanism, trans-local practices, and sustainable innovations. Meanwhile, her audio-visual works (photography, essay film, experimental music) was awarded by PINUP, Harvard University Graduate School Design (2020) and featured in London AND Festival (2021).
Online Doctoral Course, Philosophy, Art and Social Thought, European Graduate School, 2021
MA Contemporay Art Theory, Goldsmiths, Univeristiy of London, 2019-2020
BA Literature, Theater, Film&TV, Communication University of Zhejiang, 2015-2019
Work Experience
March 2022 - Present, Researcher, Compe-X Insitute, Pudong Media Group, Shanghai
Assisted the research institute to visit technology enterprises on new energy, sustainable and innovative, and fashion industry and wrote research reports; assist artistic collaboration with international exhibition (Expo); Planned and organized activities for cooperation projects, moderating interviews and panels for artists, scientists, entrepreneurs, and scholars.
April 2021- February 2022, Branding for Clean Beauty & Fashion Jewellery & Outdoor media
Planning Creative Advertising; exploring marketing strategy (fashionable aesthetics, Al management, creative design) on RED APP(Chinese instagram); Researching the relation between media arts and commericial exhibitions including strategies of Outdoor Naked Eye 3D Giant Display in the city centre; developing cooperation with fashion brands and artists.
Intern & Volunteer
2018-2019, Film Journalist, MOViE & Deepfocus
Wrote film reviews and interviewed with filmmakers in International Film Festivals (Hong Kong, Shanghai, Pingyao); interviewed independent filmmakers in Livehouse.
April-December 2018, Volunteer, European Union Film Festival in China
May 2017, Volunteer, Strawberry Music Festival

Film Reviews
2018, Interview to David Chiang, Hongkong Film Screening, Shanghai
2017, Interview to Chinese Independent Director Li Hongqi(Winter Vocation), Hangzhou
2016, Interview to Chinese Director Yang Chao (Crosscurrent), Hangzhou
2018, A Redemption of Moving Image in 24fps, Review of 24 Frames(Abbas Kiarostami, 2017)
2018, He is A Breathing Beast, Review of Burning (Lee Chang-dong, 2018)
2018, Psychedelic Aesthetics in Sensory Space, Irréversible(Gaspar Noé, 2002)
2018, Cheer Up!Summer, Summer Wars(サマーウォーズ)(Mamoru Hosoda, 2009)
2018, Plastic Disneyland in Dramatic Children Stage, The Florida Project (Sean Baker, 2017)
2018, Image and Memory: New Wave in Wind, Visages villages, (Agnès Varda, 2017)

2021,Curator, HUMAN HAZE, Loxel Solo Exhibition, M50 Art Zone, Shanghai
2021,Curator, Winds From Where it Comes From, Paralleling, Shanghai
2021, Academic Advisor, Mysterious Air, Vibrating Cloud, Design Society, Shenzhen
2021, Academic Advisor, Guerrillas in Flatland: Unite! Digital Voyagers, PSA Emerging Curators Program, Online Exhibtion, Shanghai
2020, Curator, Qiwu: Natural Footprint in Technological Vicissitude, Research-based Curatorial Project at OCT Contemporary Art
Terminal Institute, Beijing
2020, Curatorial Advisor, From Body to Body to Bodies, Time Art and Culture Gallery, Montreal
2017, Curatorial Assistant, Shanghai PSA Youth Plan Delivery Post